Rescued Cows Say Thank You In The Most Incredible Way
Twenty-five cows destined for slaughter were given a rare second chance. Watch as they greet the beginning of Spring — and the start of their new lives — in a display of some of the purest joy you will ever see.
Click Here for the video and article from Animals Australia.
Twenty-five cows destined for slaughter were given a rare second chance. Watch as they greet the beginning of Spring — and the start of their new lives — in a display of some of the purest joy you will ever see.
Click Here for the video and article from Animals Australia.
A Lesson From the World’s Happiest Cow
"The notion of deriving pleasure from needless violence toward animals is repulsive to us; so how can we justify harming animals simply for the taste of their flesh, milk, or eggs? How can it be wrong to harm for pleasure in one instance, and not the other? The same reasons that compel us to oppose dog fighting compel us to abstain from eating animals we have no need to eat: namely, that it is wrong to harm animals for pleasure, and it is wrong to kill animals for pleasure."
Click Here for the article.
"The notion of deriving pleasure from needless violence toward animals is repulsive to us; so how can we justify harming animals simply for the taste of their flesh, milk, or eggs? How can it be wrong to harm for pleasure in one instance, and not the other? The same reasons that compel us to oppose dog fighting compel us to abstain from eating animals we have no need to eat: namely, that it is wrong to harm animals for pleasure, and it is wrong to kill animals for pleasure."
Click Here for the article.
Milkshake -- A Rescued Cow Who Thinks She's A Dog
Milkshake, a 1,220 lb 2 year old cow, was rescued by The Grace Foundation after spending her entire life in the confines of a 10‘x10’ pen. Free from her confinement, the grateful Hereford was eager to set out and explore the world.
Milkshake, a 1,220 lb 2 year old cow, was rescued by The Grace Foundation after spending her entire life in the confines of a 10‘x10’ pen. Free from her confinement, the grateful Hereford was eager to set out and explore the world.
Smart Cow Pumps Water to Drink!
See also section on how devastating and dangerous animal agriculture is on our environment in Meat & Environment.