New Study: Avoiding Animal Products Is the Best Thing You Can Do for the Planet"
The benefits of plant-based eating go far beyond personal health. In recent years, a multitude of studies have shown that the production of animal products (any food that comes from animal sources) is detrimental to the environment, causing significantly more freshwater pollution, deforestation, soil degradation, and greenhouse gas emissions than the production of plant foods."
Click Here for the link.
The benefits of plant-based eating go far beyond personal health. In recent years, a multitude of studies have shown that the production of animal products (any food that comes from animal sources) is detrimental to the environment, causing significantly more freshwater pollution, deforestation, soil degradation, and greenhouse gas emissions than the production of plant foods."
Click Here for the link.
Protein Demand Is Destroying the Planet
"Animal protein is not only linked to serious health problems—like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and some types of cancer—but it’s also the most resource intensive and environmentally harmful type of protein to produce."
Click Here for the article.
"Animal protein is not only linked to serious health problems—like heart disease, type 2 diabetes, obesity, and some types of cancer—but it’s also the most resource intensive and environmentally harmful type of protein to produce."
Click Here for the article.
What’s Good for You Is Good for Our Planet
"NASA issued a report declaring that global warming isn’t coming, it’s already here."
Click Here for the article.
"NASA issued a report declaring that global warming isn’t coming, it’s already here."
Click Here for the article.
Great Animation That Looks At Mans Relationship With the Natural World
Carl Sagon - Pale Blue Dot
The Pale Blue Dot is a photograph of planet Earth taken in 1990 by the Voyage 1 spacecraft from a record distance of about 6 billion kilometers (3.7 billion miles) from Earth. The astronomer Carl Sagan related his thoughts on a deeper meaning of the photograph.
The Pale Blue Dot is a photograph of planet Earth taken in 1990 by the Voyage 1 spacecraft from a record distance of about 6 billion kilometers (3.7 billion miles) from Earth. The astronomer Carl Sagan related his thoughts on a deeper meaning of the photograph.
Internationally renowned photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand makes his feature directorial debut with this environmentally conscious documentary produced by Luc Besson, and narrated by Glenn Close. Shot in 54 countries and 120 locations over 217 days, Home presents the many wonders of planet Earth from an entirely aerial perspective. As such, we are afforded the unique opportunity to witness our changing environment from an entirely new vantage point. In our 200,000 years on Earth, humanity has hopelessly upset Mother Nature's delicate balance. Some experts claim that we have less than ten years to change our patterns of consumption and reverse the trend before the damage is irreversible. Produced to inspire action and encourage thoughtful debate, Home poses the prospect that unless we act quickly, we risk losing the only home we may ever have.
Internationally renowned photographer Yann Arthus-Bertrand makes his feature directorial debut with this environmentally conscious documentary produced by Luc Besson, and narrated by Glenn Close. Shot in 54 countries and 120 locations over 217 days, Home presents the many wonders of planet Earth from an entirely aerial perspective. As such, we are afforded the unique opportunity to witness our changing environment from an entirely new vantage point. In our 200,000 years on Earth, humanity has hopelessly upset Mother Nature's delicate balance. Some experts claim that we have less than ten years to change our patterns of consumption and reverse the trend before the damage is irreversible. Produced to inspire action and encourage thoughtful debate, Home poses the prospect that unless we act quickly, we risk losing the only home we may ever have.
"Stop Eating Meat and Save the Planet" - Says United Nation
Click Here for the article from the Daily Express.
Click Here for the article from the Daily Express.
Stop Eating So Much Meat, Top U.S. Nutritional Panel Says
"Consistent evidence indicates that, in general, a dietary pattern that is higher in plant-based foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, and lower in animal-based foods is more health promoting and is associated with lesser environmental impact than is the current average U.S. diet."
Click Here for the article.
"Consistent evidence indicates that, in general, a dietary pattern that is higher in plant-based foods, such as vegetables, fruits, whole grains, legumes, nuts, and seeds, and lower in animal-based foods is more health promoting and is associated with lesser environmental impact than is the current average U.S. diet."
Click Here for the article.
Eat More Plants to Improve Health, Combat Climate Change
"Cut back on the beef, dairy, sweets and savory snacks, but feel free to munch away on more fruits, vegetables and cereals, if you’d like a more climate-friendly and healthy diet, according to recent research conducted by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine."
Click Here for the article.
"Cut back on the beef, dairy, sweets and savory snacks, but feel free to munch away on more fruits, vegetables and cereals, if you’d like a more climate-friendly and healthy diet, according to recent research conducted by the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine."
Click Here for the article.
John Salley: The NBA Champion On Going Vegan For Athletic Performance, Longevity & The Environment
“If you’re a professional athlete, and after the game you’re eating at the same place that somebody in the audience is eating at? You’re making a mistake.” - John Salley.
Watch the Podcast by Clicking Here.
“If you’re a professional athlete, and after the game you’re eating at the same place that somebody in the audience is eating at? You’re making a mistake.” - John Salley.
Watch the Podcast by Clicking Here.
U.S. Dietary Guidelines may include Environmental Concerns for the First Time
"For the first time, the governmental guidelines for how Americans should eat may include environmental considerations. The U.S.’s top nutritional panel has recommended that Americans eat less meat, both for health reasons and to help protect the planet."
Click Here for the article.
"For the first time, the governmental guidelines for how Americans should eat may include environmental considerations. The U.S.’s top nutritional panel has recommended that Americans eat less meat, both for health reasons and to help protect the planet."
Click Here for the article.
Growing Appetite for Meat 'Risks Climate Targets'
An "awareness gap" about emissions from livestock could hamper efforts to curb climate change, a report warns.
Click Here for the article.
An "awareness gap" about emissions from livestock could hamper efforts to curb climate change, a report warns.
Click Here for the article.
5 Reasons Giving Up Meat Can Save The Planet
Here are five ways going vegan can help us reduce our wasteful resource extraction, and maybe even save the planet!
Click Here for the article.
Here are five ways going vegan can help us reduce our wasteful resource extraction, and maybe even save the planet!
Click Here for the article.
Should We All Become Vegans to Stave Off Climate Change?
"As worldwide demand for meat continues to grow, our collective carnivorousness is clobbering our climate—and most governments appear to be too chicken to do much about it."
Click Here for the article.
"As worldwide demand for meat continues to grow, our collective carnivorousness is clobbering our climate—and most governments appear to be too chicken to do much about it."
Click Here for the article.
Why the Man Who Brought Us the Glycemic Index Wants Us to Go Vegan
"Dr. David Jenkins’s glycemic index revolutionized the diet industry. His isn’t a household name, but the diets his research inspired certainly are: Atkins, The Zone, South Beach, Sugar Busters and the G.I. Diet, to name a few. Along with laying the scientific groundwork for wildly popular lower-carb diets, Jenkins’s work on international committees has influenced dietary guidelines issued by the World Health Organization, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and national diabetes associations around the world. His research demonstrated the statin-like cholesterol-lowering power of what he coined the “Portfolio Diet” and he helped create the President’s Choice Blue Menu line of healthier food products in the hopes of reaching even more consumers.
It’s fair to say Jenkins has had a profound influence on how and what we eat. And now he wants us to radically rethink our diets once again.
This time, though, he may meet a little more resistance: If it were up to Jenkins, he would have us all give up meat, fish and dairy and embrace veganism. And not just for our individual health."
Click Here for the article.
"Dr. David Jenkins’s glycemic index revolutionized the diet industry. His isn’t a household name, but the diets his research inspired certainly are: Atkins, The Zone, South Beach, Sugar Busters and the G.I. Diet, to name a few. Along with laying the scientific groundwork for wildly popular lower-carb diets, Jenkins’s work on international committees has influenced dietary guidelines issued by the World Health Organization, the U.S. National Academy of Sciences and national diabetes associations around the world. His research demonstrated the statin-like cholesterol-lowering power of what he coined the “Portfolio Diet” and he helped create the President’s Choice Blue Menu line of healthier food products in the hopes of reaching even more consumers.
It’s fair to say Jenkins has had a profound influence on how and what we eat. And now he wants us to radically rethink our diets once again.
This time, though, he may meet a little more resistance: If it were up to Jenkins, he would have us all give up meat, fish and dairy and embrace veganism. And not just for our individual health."
Click Here for the article.
New Study Shows Animal Consumption Must Decline
"Swedish researchers show that the fate of the planet may rely on taking meat and dairy off our dinner plates."
Click Here to read the article.
"Swedish researchers show that the fate of the planet may rely on taking meat and dairy off our dinner plates."
Click Here to read the article.
The Worst Food for our Planet?
"A new study by American and Israeli researchers has determined the environmental cost of producing beef, dairy, poultry, pork and eggs."
Click Here for the article.
"A new study by American and Israeli researchers has determined the environmental cost of producing beef, dairy, poultry, pork and eggs."
Click Here for the article.
Greenhouse Gas Fear Over Increased Levels of Meat Eating
"Global consumption of meat needs to fall - to ensure future demand for food can be met and to help protect the environment - a study says."
Click Here for the article.
"Global consumption of meat needs to fall - to ensure future demand for food can be met and to help protect the environment - a study says."
Click Here for the article.
Study Says That If You Want To Help The Environment, Eat Less Meat
"According to a new report published in the journal Climate Change, each meat-eater is responsible for nearly 50% more greenhouse gas emissions."
Click Here for the article.
"According to a new report published in the journal Climate Change, each meat-eater is responsible for nearly 50% more greenhouse gas emissions."
Click Here for the article.
If You Really Care About Climate Change You'll Stop Eating Burgers
"If we don’t alter the way we eat and farm, the food industry will cause an environmental disaster... Give up meat, save the planet. It really could be that simple, as new research warns that without radical changes to our diets, the food industry alone is likely to cause an 80 per cent increase in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, exceeding the current emissions targets for the entirety of the global economy."
Click Here for the article.
"If we don’t alter the way we eat and farm, the food industry will cause an environmental disaster... Give up meat, save the planet. It really could be that simple, as new research warns that without radical changes to our diets, the food industry alone is likely to cause an 80 per cent increase in greenhouse gas emissions by 2050, exceeding the current emissions targets for the entirety of the global economy."
Click Here for the article.
Soaring Meat Production Threatens Global Environment, Warns Report
"Not surprisingly, Asia, home to the fast-growing, populous countries of China and India, has already become the world’s largest meat-producing region. In 2013, it produced 131.5 million tons of meat, about 43 percent of world output. Europe, by contrast, accounted for 58.5 million tons, North America, 47.2 million, and South America, 39.9 million. “China single-handedly accounted for nearly half of global pig meat production,” the report says."
Click Here for the article.
"Not surprisingly, Asia, home to the fast-growing, populous countries of China and India, has already become the world’s largest meat-producing region. In 2013, it produced 131.5 million tons of meat, about 43 percent of world output. Europe, by contrast, accounted for 58.5 million tons, North America, 47.2 million, and South America, 39.9 million. “China single-handedly accounted for nearly half of global pig meat production,” the report says."
Click Here for the article.
Mark Ruffalo, Paul McCartney Push Tangible Way to Tackle Climate Change
"The world is connecting the dots between meat production and climate change.
Over 400,000 people flooded New York City's streets on Sunday demanding climate change awareness, and the meat industry’s carbon footprint was not lost on many of the activists: The livestock sector contributes 14.5 percent of all human-induced greenhouse gas emissions, according to a United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization 2013 report.
... When a family of four skips steak one day a week for a year, it’s like taking their car off the road for three months, Environmental Working Group suggests."
Click Here for the article.
"The world is connecting the dots between meat production and climate change.
Over 400,000 people flooded New York City's streets on Sunday demanding climate change awareness, and the meat industry’s carbon footprint was not lost on many of the activists: The livestock sector contributes 14.5 percent of all human-induced greenhouse gas emissions, according to a United Nations Food and Agriculture Organization 2013 report.
... When a family of four skips steak one day a week for a year, it’s like taking their car off the road for three months, Environmental Working Group suggests."
Click Here for the article.
25 Shocking Facts About The Earth's Dwindling Water Resources
War, famine, mass extinctions and devastating plagues - all of these are coming unless some kind of miraculous solution is found to the world's rapidly growing water crisis. By the year 2030, the global demand for water will exceed the global supply of water by an astounding 40 percent according to one very disturbing U.S. government report.
Click Here for the article.
War, famine, mass extinctions and devastating plagues - all of these are coming unless some kind of miraculous solution is found to the world's rapidly growing water crisis. By the year 2030, the global demand for water will exceed the global supply of water by an astounding 40 percent according to one very disturbing U.S. government report.
Click Here for the article.
Why You Need to Give Up Meat to Have Enough to Drink
“The amount of water that was saved by removing land-based animal protein from the global diet was enough to feed about 1.8 billion more people"
Click Here for the article.
“The amount of water that was saved by removing land-based animal protein from the global diet was enough to feed about 1.8 billion more people"
Click Here for the article.
Brilliant Animation Explains How We Can Save a TON of Water by Making One Simple Switch (VIDEO)
"Saving water is something that every Green Monster tries to do. We love to minimize our impact on the planet in any way that we can, and lowering our water usage is an easy way to do this. For people in California, however, saving water is more than just a courteous action, it is a necessity given the state’s current drought emergency. To save water, most Californians have stopped watering their lawns and some are even skipping showers!
But what if we told you there is a much simpler way to drastically slash your water footprint?
As this quick animation shows, we can all reduce our water footprints by eliminating meat and dairy from our diets. Most people don’t realize how much water is used by the animal agriculture industry, but considering the fact that dairy production alone sucks up 45 percent of California’s water, we can see how huge the impact really is.
While swapping cheeseburgers for veggie burgers might be a smart move for Californians, it is also something that people across the U.S. (and beyond!) should consider to help minimize their water footprints.
So, would you rather skip one gallon of milk or not shower for a month? The choice is up to you!"
"Saving water is something that every Green Monster tries to do. We love to minimize our impact on the planet in any way that we can, and lowering our water usage is an easy way to do this. For people in California, however, saving water is more than just a courteous action, it is a necessity given the state’s current drought emergency. To save water, most Californians have stopped watering their lawns and some are even skipping showers!
But what if we told you there is a much simpler way to drastically slash your water footprint?
As this quick animation shows, we can all reduce our water footprints by eliminating meat and dairy from our diets. Most people don’t realize how much water is used by the animal agriculture industry, but considering the fact that dairy production alone sucks up 45 percent of California’s water, we can see how huge the impact really is.
While swapping cheeseburgers for veggie burgers might be a smart move for Californians, it is also something that people across the U.S. (and beyond!) should consider to help minimize their water footprints.
So, would you rather skip one gallon of milk or not shower for a month? The choice is up to you!"
California Needs 11 Trillions Gallons of Water … Here’s the Easy Solution
"It will take about 75 inches of precipitation or about three years of above-average rainfall and snowfall to make up the 11 trillion gallons of water deficit.
Based off of recent rain patterns in California, this solution is highly unlikely. But, if the rate of water use exceeds that of California residents, where is all the water going? Well, agriculture.
Around 93 percent of California’s water use goes towards agriculture. As the country’s leading producer of dairy, it is easy to follow the water trail back to this water-intensive industry. Considering the fact that the average dairy farm uses 3.4 million gallons of water EVERY DAY, the missing 1.5 trillion gallons of water might not be so difficult to find."
Click Here for the article.
"It will take about 75 inches of precipitation or about three years of above-average rainfall and snowfall to make up the 11 trillion gallons of water deficit.
Based off of recent rain patterns in California, this solution is highly unlikely. But, if the rate of water use exceeds that of California residents, where is all the water going? Well, agriculture.
Around 93 percent of California’s water use goes towards agriculture. As the country’s leading producer of dairy, it is easy to follow the water trail back to this water-intensive industry. Considering the fact that the average dairy farm uses 3.4 million gallons of water EVERY DAY, the missing 1.5 trillion gallons of water might not be so difficult to find."
Click Here for the article.
Drought Is Just the Start of Climate Change’s Toll
Increased heat, drought, and insect outbreaks, all linked to climate change, have increased wildfires. Declining water supplies, reduced agricultural yields, and health impacts in cities due to heat will take their toll. The video puts a face to the warnings in the latest National Climate Assessment.
Click Here for the video.
Increased heat, drought, and insect outbreaks, all linked to climate change, have increased wildfires. Declining water supplies, reduced agricultural yields, and health impacts in cities due to heat will take their toll. The video puts a face to the warnings in the latest National Climate Assessment.
Click Here for the video.
Protecting the Planet with your Fork
"What we choose to do for our own nutrition and health has a dramatic effect on the health of the planet."
Click Here for the article.
"What we choose to do for our own nutrition and health has a dramatic effect on the health of the planet."
Click Here for the article.
Why the American Diet Needs a Break from Meat and Dairy – For the Planet’s Sake
If we’re going to have healthy people and a healthy planet, we’ve got to reduce the amount of meat and dairy we’re consuming.
Click Here for the article.
If we’re going to have healthy people and a healthy planet, we’ve got to reduce the amount of meat and dairy we’re consuming.
Click Here for the article.
Diet And the Environment: Does What You Eat Matter?
"Modern agricultural practices have resulted in polluted soil, air, and water; eroded soil; dependence on imported oil; and loss of biodiversity.The goal of this research was to compare the environmental effect of a vegetarian and nonvegetarian diet in California in terms of agricultural production inputs, including pesticides and fertilizers, water, and energy used to produce commodities."
Click Here for the study.
"Modern agricultural practices have resulted in polluted soil, air, and water; eroded soil; dependence on imported oil; and loss of biodiversity.The goal of this research was to compare the environmental effect of a vegetarian and nonvegetarian diet in California in terms of agricultural production inputs, including pesticides and fertilizers, water, and energy used to produce commodities."
Click Here for the study.
Livestock and Climate Change
This report, written by two very experienced environmental experts at the World Bank, found that the livestock industry worldwide was responsible for at least 51% of all worldwide greenhouse gas emissions.
Click Here for the report.
This report, written by two very experienced environmental experts at the World Bank, found that the livestock industry worldwide was responsible for at least 51% of all worldwide greenhouse gas emissions.
Click Here for the report.
A Nation Of Meat Eaters: See How It All Adds Up
"Meat has more of an impact on the environment than any other food we eat. That's because livestock require so much more food, water, land, and energy than plants to raise and transport."
Click Here for the article.
"Meat has more of an impact on the environment than any other food we eat. That's because livestock require so much more food, water, land, and energy than plants to raise and transport."
Click Here for the article.
Greening the Food Pyramid
"Replacing meat and dairy with plant-based foods can have a positive impact on greenhouse gas emissions, energy, water, and biodiversity. All the studies showed that higher consumption of animal products inflicted more damage on the environment"
Click Here for the article.
"Replacing meat and dairy with plant-based foods can have a positive impact on greenhouse gas emissions, energy, water, and biodiversity. All the studies showed that higher consumption of animal products inflicted more damage on the environment"
Click Here for the article.
Why Does Less Meat Mean Less Heat? (Op-Ed)
"Eating plant-based meals — even just one day a week — reduces more greenhouse gases than eating exclusively local foods every day (a practice some people admirably, though mistakenly, think leads to a major environmental impact due to the reduced travel miles to transport the food)"
Click Here for the article.
"Eating plant-based meals — even just one day a week — reduces more greenhouse gases than eating exclusively local foods every day (a practice some people admirably, though mistakenly, think leads to a major environmental impact due to the reduced travel miles to transport the food)"
Click Here for the article.
Vegetarianism Cuts Your Dietary Carbon Footprint A Ridiculous Amount, Study Finds
"Reducing the intake of meat and other animal based products can make a valuable contribution to climate change mitigation"
Click Here for the article.
"Reducing the intake of meat and other animal based products can make a valuable contribution to climate change mitigation"
Click Here for the article.
Vegetarian Diets Produce Fewer Greenhouse Gases and Increase Longevity, say New Studies
Loma Linda University Medical: "Consuming a plant-based diet results in a more sustainable environment and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, while improving longevity, according to new research."
Click Here & also Here for the article.
Loma Linda University Medical: "Consuming a plant-based diet results in a more sustainable environment and reduces greenhouse gas emissions, while improving longevity, according to new research."
Click Here & also Here for the article.
CNN: Factory Meat, Cruel and Bad for Us
CNN’s Jane Velez-Mitchell says eating meat is bad for our bodies, animals, and the world.
Click Here for the article.
CNN’s Jane Velez-Mitchell says eating meat is bad for our bodies, animals, and the world.
Click Here for the article.
Sir Richard Branson: Why I’ve Given Up Eating Beef
"I have given up what was previously one of my favourite foods: beef. Eating less red meat can be healthier, better for the environment and – surprisingly to me – really easy to do so."
Click Here for the article.
"I have given up what was previously one of my favourite foods: beef. Eating less red meat can be healthier, better for the environment and – surprisingly to me – really easy to do so."
Click Here for the article.
Beef Environment Cost 10 Times that of Other Livestock
A new study suggests that the production of beef is around 10 times more damaging to the environment than any other form of livestock.
Click Here for the article at BBC News.
A new study suggests that the production of beef is around 10 times more damaging to the environment than any other form of livestock.
Click Here for the article at BBC News.
New York Times: Faux-Meat Market Is On The Rise
"Investors ranging from Twitter’s Biz Stone to Hong Kong’s money mogul Li Ka-shing, have put their faith in vegetarian alternatives, because they’re practical solutions to the worldwide dilemma of land, food, and water shortages."
Click Here for the article.
"Investors ranging from Twitter’s Biz Stone to Hong Kong’s money mogul Li Ka-shing, have put their faith in vegetarian alternatives, because they’re practical solutions to the worldwide dilemma of land, food, and water shortages."
Click Here for the article.
Pseudo-Sustainability: The Beef With Grass-Fed Beef
"Livestock currently use over 45 percent of the entire landmass of earth, and only 9 percent of these animals are pasture-raised. It takes anywhere from 1 to 25 acres to raise one cow and the fact that 1 to 12 acres of rainforest are clear-cut every second to make room for more animal agriculture means that we do not have the land to support this kind of food system."
Click Here for the article.
"Livestock currently use over 45 percent of the entire landmass of earth, and only 9 percent of these animals are pasture-raised. It takes anywhere from 1 to 25 acres to raise one cow and the fact that 1 to 12 acres of rainforest are clear-cut every second to make room for more animal agriculture means that we do not have the land to support this kind of food system."
Click Here for the article.
Meat Boom Propels China's Ecosystems Into Total Collapse
"China's farming boom has massively increased food production, writes John Dearing - especially of meat. But it has come at a massive cost: the wholesale pollution and destruction of core ecosystems."
Click Here for the article.
"China's farming boom has massively increased food production, writes John Dearing - especially of meat. But it has come at a massive cost: the wholesale pollution and destruction of core ecosystems."
Click Here for the article.
The Planet and Its Wildlife Need Us To Reduce Our Meat Consumption
"Meat production is one of the main drivers of environmental degradation globally, and the crisis is rapidly growing worse."
Click Here for more information.
"Meat production is one of the main drivers of environmental degradation globally, and the crisis is rapidly growing worse."
Click Here for more information.
7 Giant Lies About Red Meat Promoted by the Meat Industry
"An advisory committee developing the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which are revamped every five years, said Americans should eat less red meat and processed meat in favor of a “diet higher in plant-based foods.” Committee members wrote that a red meat-based diet “has a larger environmental impact in terms of increased greenhouse gas emissions, land use, water use, and energy use,” compared to plant-based and Mediterranean-style diets.
This further inflamed the meat industry, yet the industry is not giving up. Here are the lies Big Meat spreads to try to subvert healthy diet advice and retain its profits."
Click Here for the article.
"An advisory committee developing the 2015 Dietary Guidelines for Americans, which are revamped every five years, said Americans should eat less red meat and processed meat in favor of a “diet higher in plant-based foods.” Committee members wrote that a red meat-based diet “has a larger environmental impact in terms of increased greenhouse gas emissions, land use, water use, and energy use,” compared to plant-based and Mediterranean-style diets.
This further inflamed the meat industry, yet the industry is not giving up. Here are the lies Big Meat spreads to try to subvert healthy diet advice and retain its profits."
Click Here for the article.
Willie Smits - How We Re-Grew A Rainforest
Dr. Willie Smits is a rainforest inventor who has revolutionized reforestation techniques and policies worldwide and is also the world’s most prominent protector of orangutans and their natural habitat. While working as a forest researcher in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, in 1989, Smits encountered a baby orangutan in a cage in a market, and later returned to find it abandoned on a rubbish heap. This was a turning-point in his career: taking the orangutan home, he nurtured it back to health. He was soon given other orangutans to look after, and the work of rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing orangutans into the wild developed into what was to become the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation. As founder of the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation and the Masarang Foundation, he has consistently worked to address the root causes of deforestation by addressing the relationship between the animal world, our planet, and humankind. Inspiring!
Dr. Willie Smits is a rainforest inventor who has revolutionized reforestation techniques and policies worldwide and is also the world’s most prominent protector of orangutans and their natural habitat. While working as a forest researcher in East Kalimantan, Indonesia, in 1989, Smits encountered a baby orangutan in a cage in a market, and later returned to find it abandoned on a rubbish heap. This was a turning-point in his career: taking the orangutan home, he nurtured it back to health. He was soon given other orangutans to look after, and the work of rescuing, rehabilitating and releasing orangutans into the wild developed into what was to become the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation. As founder of the Borneo Orangutan Survival Foundation and the Masarang Foundation, he has consistently worked to address the root causes of deforestation by addressing the relationship between the animal world, our planet, and humankind. Inspiring!