The Enemy Inside You
"Inflammation. The word probably makes you think of a knee swollen from running or a puffed-up pimple on your face—common problems that can be cured with the help of some ice or OTC meds. But there's another kind of inflammation that means something else entirely: chronic inflammation... chronic inflammation is involved in heavy-hitting illnesses. Says integrative medicine specialist Frank Lipman, M.D., "It's an underlying cause for many, many diseases."
Inflammation May be a Root Cause Of...
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"Inflammation. The word probably makes you think of a knee swollen from running or a puffed-up pimple on your face—common problems that can be cured with the help of some ice or OTC meds. But there's another kind of inflammation that means something else entirely: chronic inflammation... chronic inflammation is involved in heavy-hitting illnesses. Says integrative medicine specialist Frank Lipman, M.D., "It's an underlying cause for many, many diseases."
Inflammation May be a Root Cause Of...
- Cancer
- Heart disease
- Diabetes
- Depression
- Allergies
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The Effects of Diet on Inflammation
"The Effects of Diet on Inflammation: The main dietary strategies associated with a decreased cardiovascular risk include adequate omega-3 fatty acids intake, reduction of saturated and trans-fats, and consumption of a diet high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains. Each of these strategies may be associated with lower generation of inflammation. Dietary patterns high in refined starches, sugar, and saturated and trans-fatty acids and poor in natural antioxidants and fiber from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and omega-3 fatty acids may cause an activation of the innate immune system, most likely by an excessive production of proinflammatory cytokines associated with a reduced production of anti-inflammatory cytokines."
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"The Effects of Diet on Inflammation: The main dietary strategies associated with a decreased cardiovascular risk include adequate omega-3 fatty acids intake, reduction of saturated and trans-fats, and consumption of a diet high in fruits, vegetables, nuts, and whole grains. Each of these strategies may be associated with lower generation of inflammation. Dietary patterns high in refined starches, sugar, and saturated and trans-fatty acids and poor in natural antioxidants and fiber from fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and omega-3 fatty acids may cause an activation of the innate immune system, most likely by an excessive production of proinflammatory cytokines associated with a reduced production of anti-inflammatory cytokines."
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5 Tips to Reduce Inflammation
"There’s a silent (yet violent) kind of inflammation that can take place without you even knowing it. What you eat, drink, and think (stress!), environmental toxins, smokin’, booz- in’, and even a couch-potato lifestyle can create a fiery cascade of inflammation in your body. When your body hits an inflammatory overload, your defense system gets so overwhelmed and confused that it literally doesn’t know the difference between the invader and you. As a result, your well-meaning immune system turns on itself, destroying healthy cells, tissue, and everything else in its wake. It’s like when Al Pacino played Tony Montana in Scarface. He mows down everything in sight, yelling, “Say hello to my little friend!” In a word: shit."
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"There’s a silent (yet violent) kind of inflammation that can take place without you even knowing it. What you eat, drink, and think (stress!), environmental toxins, smokin’, booz- in’, and even a couch-potato lifestyle can create a fiery cascade of inflammation in your body. When your body hits an inflammatory overload, your defense system gets so overwhelmed and confused that it literally doesn’t know the difference between the invader and you. As a result, your well-meaning immune system turns on itself, destroying healthy cells, tissue, and everything else in its wake. It’s like when Al Pacino played Tony Montana in Scarface. He mows down everything in sight, yelling, “Say hello to my little friend!” In a word: shit."
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Foods and Arthritis
"Millions of people suffer from painful and swollen joints associated with arthritis. In the past, many doctors told arthritis patients that dietary changes would not help them. However, this conclusion was based on older research with diets that included dairy products, oil, poultry, or meat. New research shows that foods may be a more frequent contributor to arthritis than is commonly recognized."
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"Millions of people suffer from painful and swollen joints associated with arthritis. In the past, many doctors told arthritis patients that dietary changes would not help them. However, this conclusion was based on older research with diets that included dairy products, oil, poultry, or meat. New research shows that foods may be a more frequent contributor to arthritis than is commonly recognized."
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Diet & Rheumatoid Arthritis
Preventing and treating rheumatoid arthritis through diet.
Preventing and treating rheumatoid arthritis through diet.
Why Do Plant-Based Diets Help Rheumatoid Arthritis?
"Rheumatoid arthritis may be triggered by autoimmune friendly fire against a urinary tract infection bacteria called Proteus mirabilis, which could help explain why sufferers randomized to a plant-based diet experience such remarkable benefit."
"Rheumatoid arthritis may be triggered by autoimmune friendly fire against a urinary tract infection bacteria called Proteus mirabilis, which could help explain why sufferers randomized to a plant-based diet experience such remarkable benefit."
An Anti-Inflammatory Diet Check-List That Can Transform Your Life
"Inflammation is a sign that something in the body is off balance, and it’s not always easy to spot like you might imagine. Many times, it’s not just the plague of joint pain or arthritis, but other forms of disease we tend to overlook or overwrite as other issues. Inflammation can hide itself under the sneaky mask of digestion problems, chronic fatigue, moodiness, food cravings, and is the marker for many diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Anytime the body is off balance, inflammation is almost always present."
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"Inflammation is a sign that something in the body is off balance, and it’s not always easy to spot like you might imagine. Many times, it’s not just the plague of joint pain or arthritis, but other forms of disease we tend to overlook or overwrite as other issues. Inflammation can hide itself under the sneaky mask of digestion problems, chronic fatigue, moodiness, food cravings, and is the marker for many diseases such as cancer and diabetes. Anytime the body is off balance, inflammation is almost always present."
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8 Foods to Avoid with Arthritis
"Arthritis is a general term encompassing conditions that share joint pain and inflammation. Typical treatment involves pain-reducing medication. Research suggests including anti-inflammatory foods in your diet and limiting foods that may trigger joint pain."
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"Arthritis is a general term encompassing conditions that share joint pain and inflammation. Typical treatment involves pain-reducing medication. Research suggests including anti-inflammatory foods in your diet and limiting foods that may trigger joint pain."
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How Inflammation Affects Every Aspect of Your Health
"Inflammation controls our lives. Have you or a loved one dealt with pain, obesity, ADD/ADHD, peripheral neuropathy, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, migraines, thyroid issues, dental issues, or cancer?
If you answered yes to any of these disorders you are dealing with inflammation.
Sadly, most of us are suffering from one or more of these disorders but have no idea how to eliminate inflammation. Most doctors are utilizing pharmaceuticals in lieu of getting to the root cause.
It often seems extremely foreign to most people when they realize the majority of inflammatory diseases start in the gut with an autoimmune reaction which progresses into systemic inflammation. To truly be effective at managing or hopefully overcome a disease it needs to be addressed on all levels. Taking a look at where this process starts is the key."
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"Inflammation controls our lives. Have you or a loved one dealt with pain, obesity, ADD/ADHD, peripheral neuropathy, diabetes, heart disease, stroke, migraines, thyroid issues, dental issues, or cancer?
If you answered yes to any of these disorders you are dealing with inflammation.
Sadly, most of us are suffering from one or more of these disorders but have no idea how to eliminate inflammation. Most doctors are utilizing pharmaceuticals in lieu of getting to the root cause.
It often seems extremely foreign to most people when they realize the majority of inflammatory diseases start in the gut with an autoimmune reaction which progresses into systemic inflammation. To truly be effective at managing or hopefully overcome a disease it needs to be addressed on all levels. Taking a look at where this process starts is the key."
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Top 10 Anti-Inflammatory Foods for the Vegan Athlete
"Post-workout fuel is crucial for all athletes. After exercising, our bodies are craving (and needing) replenishment and nourishment. Muscle inflammation is extremely common with athletes. This causes swelling which can lead to pain, severe injury and bulkiness in the body. After a long run, heavy strength training or hours of ballet, athletes’ muscles, bones, and tissues need to be repaired through proper foods to keep going. Choosing to eat vegan, anti-inflammatory foods after exercising and in the everyday diet will help heal inflammation, and assist in preventing it altogether. Eating anti-inflammatory food is not just beneficial for athletes, but it can also be terrific for those with high blood sugar, body aches and arthritis."
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"Post-workout fuel is crucial for all athletes. After exercising, our bodies are craving (and needing) replenishment and nourishment. Muscle inflammation is extremely common with athletes. This causes swelling which can lead to pain, severe injury and bulkiness in the body. After a long run, heavy strength training or hours of ballet, athletes’ muscles, bones, and tissues need to be repaired through proper foods to keep going. Choosing to eat vegan, anti-inflammatory foods after exercising and in the everyday diet will help heal inflammation, and assist in preventing it altogether. Eating anti-inflammatory food is not just beneficial for athletes, but it can also be terrific for those with high blood sugar, body aches and arthritis."
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How I Overcame Crippling Arthritis and Returned to Elite-Level Fitness
"The time was August 2000, I had just won a Gold Medal in two of the biggest Brazilian Ju-jitsu tournaments in the world and opened my first Monkey Bar Gymnasium. Needless to say I was feeling pretty darn good!
Three years later and things had changed dramatically. Although my gym was doing great, I could barely train ju-jitsu anymore or workout. Why? I had severe pain in my hands and feet, plus severe knee and back pain! ... I was diagnosed with arthritis."
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"The time was August 2000, I had just won a Gold Medal in two of the biggest Brazilian Ju-jitsu tournaments in the world and opened my first Monkey Bar Gymnasium. Needless to say I was feeling pretty darn good!
Three years later and things had changed dramatically. Although my gym was doing great, I could barely train ju-jitsu anymore or workout. Why? I had severe pain in my hands and feet, plus severe knee and back pain! ... I was diagnosed with arthritis."
Click Here for the article.
Got Joint Pain? Why Dairy is a Bad Idea
"Arthritis, joint pain, muscle aches. They’ve plagued us all at some point or another. But can joint pain be preventable through a mere change in diet? Possibly. Studies have shown those who eat a higher plant-based (vegan) diet not only experience a greater sense of wellness, but also a dramatic reduction in disease, osteoporosis, joint pain, arthritis, and general muscle aches. The removal of red meat from a person’s diet is a great idea to initiate the reduction of joint pain and other types of pains since red meat is highly acidic, inflammatory, and has been linked to cancer.
Dairy has been shown to be one of the most prominent foods to cause joint pain, arthritis, diabetes, and yes, cancer too. It’s been linked to body pains, headaches, poor exercise recovery, allergies, and digestive issues. It’s acidic, said to promote excess mucus, and is often filled with excess hormones, pesticides, bacteria, and inhumanity."
Click Here for the article.
See also section on Dairy.
"Arthritis, joint pain, muscle aches. They’ve plagued us all at some point or another. But can joint pain be preventable through a mere change in diet? Possibly. Studies have shown those who eat a higher plant-based (vegan) diet not only experience a greater sense of wellness, but also a dramatic reduction in disease, osteoporosis, joint pain, arthritis, and general muscle aches. The removal of red meat from a person’s diet is a great idea to initiate the reduction of joint pain and other types of pains since red meat is highly acidic, inflammatory, and has been linked to cancer.
Dairy has been shown to be one of the most prominent foods to cause joint pain, arthritis, diabetes, and yes, cancer too. It’s been linked to body pains, headaches, poor exercise recovery, allergies, and digestive issues. It’s acidic, said to promote excess mucus, and is often filled with excess hormones, pesticides, bacteria, and inhumanity."
Click Here for the article.
See also section on Dairy.
Antioxidants in Vegan Diet and Rheumatic Disorders
"Rheumatoid patients subjectively benefited from the vegan diet rich in antioxidants, lactobacilli and fibre."
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"Rheumatoid patients subjectively benefited from the vegan diet rich in antioxidants, lactobacilli and fibre."
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A Vegan Diet Free of Gluten Improves the Signs and Symptoms of Rheumatoid Arthritis
"Dietary modification may be of clinical benefit for certain RA patients, and that this benefit may be related to a reduction in immunoreactivity to food antigens eliminated by the change in diet."
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"Dietary modification may be of clinical benefit for certain RA patients, and that this benefit may be related to a reduction in immunoreactivity to food antigens eliminated by the change in diet."
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Uncooked, Lactobacilli-Rich, Vegan Food and Rheumatoid Arthritis
"We tested the effects of an uncooked vegan diet, rich in lactobacilli, in rheumatoid patients randomized into diet and control groups. The intervention group experienced subjective relief of rheumatic symptoms during intervention. A return to an omnivorous diet aggravated symptoms."
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"We tested the effects of an uncooked vegan diet, rich in lactobacilli, in rheumatoid patients randomized into diet and control groups. The intervention group experienced subjective relief of rheumatic symptoms during intervention. A return to an omnivorous diet aggravated symptoms."
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The Leaky Gut Theory of Why Animal Products Cause Inflammation
"A single meal of meats, eggs, and dairy can cause a spike of inflammation within hours that can stiffen one’s arteries. Originally this was thought to be the result of saturated animal fat causing our gut lining to leak bacterial toxins into our blood stream leading to endotoxemia."
"A single meal of meats, eggs, and dairy can cause a spike of inflammation within hours that can stiffen one’s arteries. Originally this was thought to be the result of saturated animal fat causing our gut lining to leak bacterial toxins into our blood stream leading to endotoxemia."
Potassium and Autoimmune Disease
Plant-based diets appear to decrease inflammation via a variety of mechanisms, including boosting our adrenal gland function due to the consumption of potassium rich foods.
Plant-based diets appear to decrease inflammation via a variety of mechanisms, including boosting our adrenal gland function due to the consumption of potassium rich foods.
Quercetin and Kaempferol Suppress Immunoglobulin E-mediated allergic inflammation in RBL-2H3 and Caco-2 cells
Researcher suggested that the flavonoid kaempferol lessens the impact of allergens, especially in the intestinal tract, which can reduce chronic inflammation.
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Researcher suggested that the flavonoid kaempferol lessens the impact of allergens, especially in the intestinal tract, which can reduce chronic inflammation.
Click Here for the study.
Risk of Developing Certain Malignancies is Related to Duration of Immunosuppressive Drug Exposure in Patients with Rheumatic Diseases
"In addition to any increased risk of malignancy that may be conferred by individual rheumatic diseases, there is a further risk of specific types of malignancy that is related to the duration of exposure to immunosuppressive drugs."
Click Here for the study.
"In addition to any increased risk of malignancy that may be conferred by individual rheumatic diseases, there is a further risk of specific types of malignancy that is related to the duration of exposure to immunosuppressive drugs."
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Effect Of Diet And Exercise Intervention On Inflammatory And Adhesion Molecules In Postmenopausal Women On Hormone Replacement Therapy And At Risk For Coronary Artery Disease
"Overall, this intervention resulted in improved metabolic and lipid profiles, reduced inflammatory, and cell adhesion molecules in postmenopausal women in the absence of caloric restriction. The rapid improvements may reduce the risk of acute myocardial infarction (MI), and if sustained, these changes may mitigate the risk for atherosclerosis progression and its clinical consequences."
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"Overall, this intervention resulted in improved metabolic and lipid profiles, reduced inflammatory, and cell adhesion molecules in postmenopausal women in the absence of caloric restriction. The rapid improvements may reduce the risk of acute myocardial infarction (MI), and if sustained, these changes may mitigate the risk for atherosclerosis progression and its clinical consequences."
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Turmeric May Slow Osteoarthritis
Yellow Pigment Curcumin found in Turmeric may slow osteoarthritis
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Yellow Pigment Curcumin found in Turmeric may slow osteoarthritis
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Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Purple Potatoes