Oliver was born in Hong Kong from dual cultural parentage of Chinese and Danish. Like his grandfather and father before him, Oli attended boarding school in England after which he read law at the University of Wales.
After graduating from University, Oli pursued his love of cars and motor sports and became a professional racing driver competing in top class motor racing events such as the International Formula Three Championship. As one of the only few international racing drivers at that time from Hong Kong, Oli appeared on television as well as in numerous publications. Transitioning into the entertainment industry, Oli traveled around the world hosting television shows, modeling, shooting television commercials, recording music, and making movies in Asia and North America. Oli is qualified to practice law in Hong Kong and holds a Masters Degree in Advanced Legal Practice with Distinction. Oli is a keen athlete and health advocate living a wholefood plant-based lifestyle. (See also Body Shots, Health and Nutrition sections). He holds black belts in both judo and karate. He enjoys photography and is also an accomplished artist. Oli's works of art are featured in his art gallery. See also olivertan.com for more on Oli's family history. |